What’s the Secret to Changing Your Life for the Better?

If you want to change your life, evaluate who you spend your time with and ask yourself if those people are motivating and inspiring you.

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We’ve all heard Jim Rohn’s famous quote: “You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.”

How do these words apply to how you can change your life? I’m convinced that we can alter the course of our lives by consciously choosing the people we spend our time with. Our surroundings have a great effect on our thinking, mood, and performance. 

For example, if you want to become a better business owner, spend your time with people who run better businesses than you do. If you want to become a better wife or husband, spend your time with couples who have better marriages. If you want to lose weight, spend your time around people who have a healthy lifestyle. 

If you want to change your life, my advice to you is this—sit down and evaluate who you spend your time with. Are these people inspiring and motivating you? Do they possess qualities you admire? If you’re the smartest and most successful person in your sphere, you’re doing a disservice to yourself, your family, and your clients. 

Seek out people who are better than you.

Seek out people who are better than you—sit down for coffee with them, call them on a regular basis, ask them to mentor you, join organizations that they belong to, etc. Do whatever you need to do to get into their presence and I promise you that your life will change. 

If you have any questions about this topic, don’t hesitate to call or email me anytime. I’d love to chat with you.